To all my family and friends, far and near~ thanks for checking out my blog! Mommy and Daddy are trying to keep up with my postings, but keeping up with me takes lots of time. I am growing and changing so much and we never know what a day may hold, but one thing will never change... God's love is unwavering and his providence is undeniable!
Hi fam and friends! On Tuesday I turned 1 1/2! How exciting- not that I did anything spectacular, but today was a big day! Mommy has always said that I was born with 10 long hairs right on the top of my head- and that was it! It has taken eighteen months to grow enough for a trim. I had a few random curls in the back that Mommy hated to see go, but they just looked a little dishevelled. So Mommy made it into a special occassion. I got a new booster seat and Mommy had mirror decorated with the alphabet all around it. I got my own pair of scissors and sat in the chair like a big boy. Mommy didn't cut all the curls off, just the stragglies at the bottom. Thanks, Daddy for entertaining me!
Little moments with little ones can turn into huge life lessons. Braden's new game is the perfect example. He has put two and two together. If there is something that he wants but can't reach, he has discovered that he can take someone's hand and walk them to what he wants and they will probably get it for him. It reminds me of how I approach God sometimes, "Lord, let me show you what I want. Now, can I please have it?" There is also certain words, or word-like sounds, that accompany Braden's directing... "come on," and "get it." Sound familiar? There are times when Braden wants a book or his favorite toy and I gladly reach it for him. Then there are other times when he is asking for one more cookie or a sharpie marker to color with. Those are the times when I say, "lets find something else." The Word says, "we have not because we ask not," and "ask and you shall recieve." And thank you Lord I can approach the throne of grace with confidence. But next time I am tempted to seek Your hand for what you can get me, help me to remember to seek Your face and what you want for me!
A Special Relationship
There are so many ideas out there on God's relationship with children and babies. Of course there are scriptures that tells us that Jesus desired to spend time with the children in the new testament. We have also heard the stories that pull on our heartstring about children who said they have seen Jesus and angels soon before dying. As I was holding Braden the other day, he looked away and his gaze shifted up like something caught his attention up above him. Now some may argue that it was the ceiling fan that he noticed, I think there is more to it than that. I belive that God would not create a being that he could not communicate with. If we were created for a relationship with God, why would God bring a life into this world and not be able to communicate with it until it was old enough to speak words? Well, I am no theologian, but I do believe that God can speak and reveal Himself to his children. Even if they can't communicate with him with words like you and I! It must be one special bond! And to think He loves all of us that way!
Complete Joy
My son is the best baby in the world! OK, well I might be a little biased. We have been truly blessed with a child that is well natured, colic free and easily distracted. However, he is still a baby and that means he can scream and cry with the best of them. One minute he can be playing and laughing, doing all those cute baby expressions, two seconds later the exteme opposite! Why? Because I laid him in his crib for a nap that I knew he needed. Some of you with babies in your life know that cry I am referring to. That one that you know nothing is really wrong, but baby is saying, "what, I thought we were going to play. Please pick me up and rock me. You don't want me to fall asleep all by myself in this crib in this big empty room." The lip puckers out, the face turns red and the tears start pouring. If I were to give in right then and pick him up, the crying would cease immediately and out would pop a smile. But I know that my little man is tired and needs his sleep. So I leave for a few minutes. Usually (but not always) he is out within ten minutes. When he awakes, that big smile has returned and its playtime again! He has totally forgotten his screaming session a short time ago. The lesson for me? I can have highs and lows like this too. No, not at nap time, I would welcome that with a smile! But when things don't go my way. It maybe the little setbacks during the day or the big surprises on the road of life. Whatever it is, I must remember: Just as I know when to play with my baby and when he needs a nap more than he does, God as my Heavenly Father knows what I need more than I do! He wants my joy to be complete all the time, not just when things are going my way. Today I need the joy of the Lord to be my strength!
Greener Pastures
Why is it that we are never happy where we are! We always want something more, something different! I have never seen this more illustrated than with my little guy. I lay out the blankets, pull out all the bright colored and fun toys and sit back and watch. Does he want those toys? No. Does he stay on the blanket that I put down for him? No. In his opinion, there most be something better just off the edges of the blanket. And who wants toys when I might be able to find a cord or remote or some other item that's not "baby approved." Well, who else does that sound like? Me? You? God puts us where he wants, because it is His will and because he knows its good for us. Trust Him, that He has you where you are to teach you something until you are ready to move on to the next stage. There will be a day, in the not too distant future, when that blanket and those toys won't be appropriate for Braden any longer, and we will move to the next stage. God will move us to the next phase when he knows we are ready. Everything Braden does is just a phase. Good or bad they only last a little while. So wherever you are, if you feel like you want more, wants something different, or just don't like what you are doing, just remeber, "this too shall pass," and God will bring you into the next chapter shortly!
in search of greener pastures
Good Friday was more than good!
This was Braden's first Easter! What a special service we attended! Our church hosted a Tenebrae service on Good Friday. For those of you who may not be familiar (like myself until Friday night) it isn't your usual happy and upbeat service. Its a dark (literrally) and sorrowful service intended to recreate the emotion of our Savior's death. Then on Sunday morning we praise and celebrate the Risen Lord! On Friday night we took Braden, not really knowing what to expect. We got there a little late (or right on time, depending on how you look at it.) I didn't even have time to ask if they were having a nursery before we were directed in to light a candle in front of the santuary, representing each one of us (3!) So Braden joined us in the sanctuary, for a silent service. I wasn't sure how long he was going to last. But God used this as a lesson for me! With a little thanks to Justin for rocking Braden in his carseat for a full 45 minutes, Braden was silent the whole time! He was mezmorized by the glittering candle light in the dark sanctuary and the touching music that was sung. He truly did not make a sound throughout the entire service. And the Spirit asked me a question, what might I hear from God if I were completely silent, meditating on Him for a full 45 minutes? How often can we do that? I know I would have just as hard a time finding 45 quite minutes in a dayas you would, but if we made the effort, what a spiritual reward there might be. Now Braden may not have known what was really going on, but God can use him and I know He has a special relationship with His children no matter their ages. He wants to spend the quality quiet time with us. He has something to tell us that we won't hear unless we are quiet. That "still small voice" may not be heard over the sound of the ipod, cell phone or tv. So maybe we can all search for that quiet few minutes to hear from our Savior!
This Month's Lesson- March
I'm sure you have all heard that commercial with the tag line, "What's in your wallet?" Well, I have a revised version, "Whats under your crib?" Don't worry, the answer is not the boogey man or dust bunnies! As I was rocking my precious son the other day, I noticed a something under his crib. It was a toy that he had recieved as a gift before he was even born. He was not old enough to play with it yet, so I was sotring it for him until he was ready. He had no idea that it was there nor the amount of fun he would have playing with it. I knew that I would give it to him when I thought he could use it. Besides when your just a few months old, there is only so many things you can do at one time. What fun would it be to have all the toys at one time? Then the thought hit me... That is just how we are in our relationship with God. As our Heavenly Father, He knows how to give us good gifts (His words, not mine). He gives us things when we need them and when we are ready. What fun would it be if He gave us everything right away, or even when we thought we wanted it? He knows what's best and every good and perfect gift comes from Him (again, His words!) So who knows what God has planned for those who love him, or what he has hidden under our beds to suprises us when He knows we are ready for a gift!
1 comment:
aw, so cute! Maebry has yet to have a haircut but Clarke is due for one, he has a rattail going on in the back
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