
To all my family and friends, far and near~ thanks for checking out my blog! Mommy and Daddy are trying to keep up with my postings, but keeping up with me takes lots of time. I am growing and changing so much and we never know what a day may hold, but one thing will never change... God's love is unwavering and his providence is undeniable!

keep in touch

Monday, December 8, 2008

Because Mommy is so silly

We just had to get a pitcture of this! The lady who does our laundry (and the dishes and the vacuuming... oh yeah, its Mommy) found that each of us had a similar shirt! So just because Mommy is so corny, she made us all take a picture. Enjoy the laugh!


Garner Gang said...

I think I finally found Waldo!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Sarah if you need another shirt like that, I just received one in the mail the other day. That is great!

Jennifer Rowan