
To all my family and friends, far and near~ thanks for checking out my blog! Mommy and Daddy are trying to keep up with my postings, but keeping up with me takes lots of time. I am growing and changing so much and we never know what a day may hold, but one thing will never change... God's love is unwavering and his providence is undeniable!

keep in touch

Monday, March 24, 2008

Hoppy Easter!

Ok, that was corny, but Mommy made me say it!
I hope you had a Happy Easter as we celebrated the resurection of our Lord!
Here's a few pics from me first Easter! I was dressed in my first suit. Maybe I shouldn't admit this but it was a 12 month outfit and I had to suck in my tummy and hold my breath for these pics. The dress shirt was a little tight! Fashion can be painful!

1 comment:

Buttercup2489 said...

Everyone's crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man!!!You are so adorable Braden!!