
To all my family and friends, far and near~ thanks for checking out my blog! Mommy and Daddy are trying to keep up with my postings, but keeping up with me takes lots of time. I am growing and changing so much and we never know what a day may hold, but one thing will never change... God's love is unwavering and his providence is undeniable!

keep in touch

Friday, April 4, 2008

A Little Sand, A Little Sun

I just got back from my first trip to the beach and wanted to share a few pictures with you. Daddy had business in Mobile, Al and we went down a few days early and visited the Gulf Coast. We stayed in a log cabin for a few nights before heading to the big city of Mobile. I had lots of fun! Daddy lugged my pac~n~play all over... in the cabin, on the beach, up on the pier. He got to fish and even cought a couple things! Mommy tried to enjoy the beach, and she did, but I definitely got more attention from her than the waves did! I saw some dolphins! And Sand! What a neat thing. It feels kinda rough, but slips through your fingers like water! I am also trying cereal again. I'm almost seven and a half months, so its time. Enjoy the pics!

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