
To all my family and friends, far and near~ thanks for checking out my blog! Mommy and Daddy are trying to keep up with my postings, but keeping up with me takes lots of time. I am growing and changing so much and we never know what a day may hold, but one thing will never change... God's love is unwavering and his providence is undeniable!

keep in touch

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Picture this

Here are a few snapshots

Whats a kid gotta do to get some food around here?

Unless you are on the Grubb side of the family, you might not recognize this lion pillow. My Mommy remebers it being on the bed at my great grandma Grubb's cottage when she was little. We need to ask her how old this pillow is.

If I were a thug, this would be my mug shot

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